I was watching Sex and the City, which of course we all know is Fabulous and I was instantly sadened because most of my best friends and I are seperated by a bridge, a province or a highway with an hour and a half drive or further. Luckily, one of my best friends live here and a few close friends as well but watching all 4 of these ladies laughing and being there for one another left me longing for my best friends. I miss a phone call saying "I'll meet you at Tims for coffee" and "Come on down, I'm home" and when we used to have a drink on the patio, play cards, go for country drives or just sit and chat with one another. Now its' so infrequent because we are all busy with our own lives - careers and babies or live too far apart to simply hang out whenever. I'm happy to say however that I have booked a flight to Toronto to visit bestie k. and I am trying to plan a weekend to the island to visit v. and s. (who is not a girlfriend but might as well be) and I will get to Freddy soonish.
ReplyDeleteI miss those bad Saturday mornings.. you know the ones where you need your sunglasses, but we'd still drag ourselves down to the market.
ReplyDeleteSex and the City saddens me too. It just makes me wish I had friends nearby.