Since changes are coming in other areas, I decided to look back to 1 year ago from right now and where I was, and then look at where I am today. I took this from the fabulous v. over at The Best Days of Your Life and adapted it to see where I was 1 year ago.
1 year ago - 2010:
I was Ashley C.
My age 25
I lived with my fiance, renting my grandfathers house
Some of my obsessions were wedding planning for the day off, wedding parties etc. Christmas decorating and online shopping for gifts
I really enjoyed just moving out of my parents, watching the kids and dog across the street play in the snow, skate on the hockey rink
I was watching Man vs. Food (my fiances idea), Cake Boss, Greys'
What made me happiest was being engaged to a wonderful man, wedding planning and details, crafty wedding things
I really hated living too far out of town where my friends were, having to keep the house spotless because it was for sale and not mine.
My excitement was the Wedding!
Today 2011:
I am Ashley P.
My age is almost 26 and a half (eek!)
I live with my husband in our own condo apartment
Some of my obsessions are my babies! well not mine but my friends babies, Brody and Chloe and my friend B.s 3 kids and S. little girl and another on the way. Babies and kids everywhere and my hubby and I are auntie and uncle to all of them!
I really enjoy shopping for kids, my French class (even when it doesnt seem like it), going to Chapters and getting a latte at Starbucks, making our house a home, receiving and looking at pics of ma babies.
I'm currently watching Gossip Girl, Greys, Desperate Housewife, The Vampire Diaries, Dawson's Creek(when I'm making supper).
What would make me happiest is getting a long term supply contract, supply teaching more, and being financial secure.
I really hate that my best friends live away and I dont see them as much as I wish, the current situations for teachers in NB.
My current excitement is Christmas parties every weekend until Christmas day! K. and her bf coming home in less than 2 weeks
By the time I do this again in 4 months I hope someone reminds me to do this haha! to be a fitter, healthier me, start painting or scrapbooking more.
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cute post :) it's funny sometimes to see how much you've grown!