An Adventure in Living, Loving, Laughing and Learning

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fabulous Friday

Today was the last day of school.....
kids cleaned out their desks, brought in presents, had a class party with their friends
and said good-bye.
Today was the last day of school....
so I wore my party dress and it is covered in glitter, ice cream and tears,
it has never looked better.
They said good-bye to their teacher(s) who have been with them for 10 months out of the year, 5 days a week and many hours of the day. So of course they get close and have a connection and are sad to leave their teacher and have a new one next year who could be mean or nice or super funny or super scary.
They are excited and happy to begin summer and exchange numbers with classmates, making plans for sleep-overs and swimming together but there is some sadness on the last day of school
a little of it from the students and a little of it from the teacher.
This is my first last day of school with a classroom and it is hard, joyful, sad and exciting all in one. Some students say "I'm going to miss you" or "have a good summer" or "see ya Miss"
but some hang on to you and say "Miss __ you are leaving us! I'm never going to see you again when you go back to University and to Australia" while crying. It breaks my heart and I ensure the few kids who were in this similiar situation that it will be fine and that I will miss them too but I live around here so I'll probrably see you somewhere.
Some cry good-byes, some smile happy wishes and tell you how much you have helped them this past year.
Today, one boy cried and told me that I had just said the nicest thing anyone has ever said to him.
A girl cried and cried because I left the classroom and when it was time for her to leave, she didn't know where I was. - I wasn't far.
One girl gave me her school picture and wrote in her card to me "thank you for helping me improve on my writing"
I got cards, and flowers, and gift cards, and bookmarks, and things with little sayings and cards. These are all nice things and show gratitude but the things they say and don't say but show in actions is bigger than any other gift in the world.
This is why I will always be a teacher and look forward to many more days of school and those last days of school too.
on this last day of school.


  1. awww, so sweet!!

    A friend of mine posted on FB the other day: "I asked the class 'What was your favorite part of kindergarten?' and they replied "Meeting Mrs Young....and Legos" HAHAHAH

    Hope you have a FAB weekend!

  2. Aww that is awesome. Of course they love you.
