I started this journal not really thinking about doing one journal entry per day as it should be because I have not had the time to get on daily and I will be going away on Saturday to a sun shiny, party destination without the internet so I am doing ALL of the days in this post.
I know there is lots of information but I hope you will read and enjoy :)
Day 15: your dream home
Just a small place for 2....plus many children one day
This is it! Isn't it a beauty or something like this anyway and I may be building and living in my own home sooner than I thought :)

Day 16: a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
"Where the Green Grass Grows" by Tim McGraw
the first song my hunny ever sang to me
Day 17: an art piece
The Sixteenth Chapel, which I hope to someday see in person

Day 18: my wedding
May 7th 2011 I will marry my best friend and it will be fabulous and we will be blissfully happy!
Day 19: a talent of yours
I can cook and bake fairly well without recipes (does that even count?)
Day 20: a hobby of yours
Day 21: a recipe
Apple Crisp
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. flour
3/4 c. oats
Mix all 3 ingredients together
Add 1/2 c. melted butter and mix
Put half of the mixture in a pan and press with fingers
Add pre-prepared apple mixture on top (6-7 apples, peeled and cut into slices with 1tsp-3tsp cinnamom, a dash of nutmeg, 1/2 sugar and a splash of lemon juice)
Pour the rest of the crumble mix on top of the apples and press lightly
Bake at 350F for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown.
Day 22: a website
for all your wedding needs, its a great start with lots of pictures and great links.
Day 23: a youtube video
it's hilarious and has aired on Ellen
Day 24: where I live
in the country not far from the town of Riverview
Day 25: your day, in great detail
I woke up at 7:30am, rolled over and crawled out of bed.
showered, got dressed, brushed my teeth, throw my hair up, put mascara on
eat breakfast. Then walked to school with m. and went into a 7/8 class.
Observed the class do numeracy until recess.
At recess, 10:45am, I went to the staff room, eat a banana and piece of lemon bread and sat and enjoyeyed my coffee.
After the recess bell ran, I went to the prep classroom and helped out with a writing activity and then a numeracy activity.
Went to lunch and heated up some easy mac (tastes the same as back home) and eat it - yum!
4 girls came in to give me a take you chocolate and pencil,
had another coffee while writing postcards to my kids from my internship back home in Canada.
Only got 3 written.
The bell ran, went to talk to some 7/8 students about their lteracy groups. Then went to the preps to observed their performance practice.
Bell rang for the end of the day and walked through the crowd of kids, all saying hello.
Walked home in the rain bvut had an umbrella.
Got home and did some laundry, eat some lollies. Then went to get a haircut.
Haircut done, came home, ate chicken stir-fry for dinner.
Took a quiz from the newspaper with my host family.
went on facebook and started this post.
Day 26: your week, in great detail
There will be less detail for this one since I don't want to bore you when you have been kind enough to read my blog.
This week I have:
-had dinner and drinks with one of the teachers from school and her husband
-had my last evaluation for my BEd and taught my last lesson
-was brought up during assembly to talk to the students about my time here
-watched a movie with my host kiddies and eat smarties, then watched a movie with m. and had nachoes
-woke up way to early and drove for way too long but arrived to Phillippe island, where I
went to teh wildlife park - saw lots of Australian native animals, fed kangaroos then went to the Koalas and watched them in amazingment as they came down the trees very close to us and were eating....one was even walking along the railing but others were sleeping.
-then went to a cafe for the best lunch ever! milked a cow and walked around the historical place
-had afternoon tea at a strangers house with delicious scones
-went to the Penguin Parade and LOVED every minute of it
-spent hours and hours at the VIC market
-at a delicious chai latte
-went to a contempary art exhibit
-went to school for 2 days
-went in the hot tub
-skyped with my hunny and k.
Day 27: my worst habit
bitting my nails....but I'm really trying to stop
Day 28: whats in your handbag/purse
hand sanitizer, hand lotion, deorderant, a compact, lipgloss (2) wallet, sunnies, pen, hair elastic
Day 29: hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
1. find my perfect wedding dress (hope)
2. marry my best friend (dream come true)
3. take a french course (plan)
4. go visit k. in Toronto for a bridal weekend (plan)
5. spend a fab weekend with one of my fav people v. (hope)
6. start building our house! (hope, plan)
7. get a long term supply or full time teaching job (dream, hope)
Day 30: a dream for the future
to get my Masters degree
to start my family soon
Nice post! So cool to learn new things about people. :)